Pay Equity Settlement Email

AMUSE sent an email today (March 15th) to approximately 6,000 former members who worked at McGill prior to 2016 and are eligible for retroactive payments as a result of the pay equity settlement between AMUSE and McGill. We want to assure everyone who received it that the email IS indeed legitimate; all information will be kept confidential and shared only with McGill for the purpose of issuing the retroactive payments.…

2019 Annual General Meeting Documents

Thursday, January 31
6:00 PM
Leacock Room 26

"Annual General Meeting" typed in white text on a red background.

The Annual General Meeting is the highest governing forum of the union. All members in good standing are invited to run for positions on the Executive Committee and Board of Representatives, vote on the budget, the dues rate, and on by-law changes, and hear reports from the Board, committees, and Executives.

Annual General Meeting + Pay Equity Settlement

2019 Annual General Meeting

"Annual General Meeting" on a red background.

AMUSE is holding its 2019 Annual General Meeting on Thursday, January 31 at 6pm in Leacock 26. All members are encouraged to attend to vote and/or run for election, hear annual reports, and vote on the 2019-20 budget, among other items.

All AMUSE terms are for one year, so all Executive positions except for VP Floor Fellow (President, Internal Affairs Officer, Labour Relations Officer, Communications & Outreach Officer, Treasurer), along with 10 of our 12 Board Delegate seats, will be up for election.…